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Educating on Nonprofit, Public-Private Partnership and Small Business Best Practices

Experienced Insights: One Thing Nonprofits Need to Avoid During COVID

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The third and final question posed by NMBL in the Experienced Insights series on nonprofits changes direction from the previous two and asks what should nonprofits be avoiding during the pandemic. While some of the specific ideas in response to previous questions may not fit your nonprofit exactly or the resources are just not around at this time, avoiding certain behaviors is easy if you know what to look for. These insights will help organizations understand what they need to avoid in order to remain on track. We chose this question because covering all bases and being prepared is essential to operate smoothly and effectively. Here’s what six nonprofit leaders had to say: 

What's one thing you think others should not do during COVID?

“Not staying in their lane.”

- Yemi Akande-Bartsch, Ph.D, FOCUS STL


“Panic and burn out. I think we're going to be in some state of "COVID" for many more months, so it doesn't help your team or the people you serve to burn out now.”

- Emily Lohse-Busch, Arch Grants


“Organizations cannot think of themselves as isolated islands unto themselves. Your organization has a responsibility to play a role in local, regional, national, or international COVID-19 responses, and has an equal responsibility to explore options for and accept help during this moment in time.”

- Scott Stewart, Millennium Park Foundation


“Status quo operations...location-based organizations will need to re-think how they function in the future with less foot traffic and new models.”

- Bert Vescolani, Denver Zoo


“Don't give up! The pandemic and resulting quarantining and job loss has certainly affected our communities, clients we serve, co-workers, etc. so it's very tough times, but as a nonprofit, keep plugging along and don't stop fundraising. Donors need to remember that there are wonderful organizations still serving the community and we still need everyone's help. Do what you can to steward your donors with special online programs or activities, or mail them an update or something unique/special to their homes, call them. Anything to keep the lines of communication open and to let them know that you are still producing programs and serving your clients. They will remember.”

- Diane Bauhof, St. Louis Aquarium Foundation


“Host in-person events. It's been a struggle, but think we need to see clearly declining numbers before we open with appropriate protocols and distancing.”

- Katie Hitt, Architecture and Design Exchange 


Offering a wide range of insights, each has its own focus area and gets at a specific behavior or action, but there is a general factor amongst all the advice, thinking actively. Each expert includes this in some way whether it is being aware of your role in order to not get ahead of oneself or fall behind or even just remaining open-minded in order to stay positive. Others pointed toward keeping a level head and staying out of trouble, namely hosting in-person events before it is safe enough to do so; Instead suggesting to connect in other ways and remain focused on your goals. Reading these insights, recognizing which address your nonprofit best, and then taking action can help organizations prepare not only for the coming months but also any future crises that may arise. 


NMBL Strategies seeks to empower small businesses, nonprofits, and public-private enterprises through trusted consulting partnerships. Our consultants have real-world experience and significant tenure within their fields and are able to deliver the best and most strategic return on investment. Learn how we can help grow your organization today.