Strategic Decisive Trusted


Educating on Nonprofit, Public-Private Partnership and Small Business Best Practices

Three Reasons You Need a Proper Strategic Plan

First things first. We said “proper strategic plan,” meaning there are improper strategic plans out there. If you are a frequent reader of our blogs or you have worked with our team here at NMBL, you are likely aware of our opinion toward many of the plans that are passed off as strategic plans in the consulting industry. A strategic plan is a lengthy process where we closely examine all aspects of your organization both internally and also from the perspective of your community. The result is a thorough document that lays out your organization's strategic position based on your vision, how you will get there, and the purpose that drives your organization. Far too often, organizations pay (a lot of money) for a strategic plan and get a couple of pages that would maybe pass for a business plan. At NMBL, we deliver thorough research resulting in expert insights to guide your organization. So let's take a look at a few big improvements that strategic planning can do for you. 

Know where you are going

Your plan will serve as a roadmap for your organization. A strategic plan helps an organization focus on its mission as a road map to achieve its vision. Strategic planning is predicated on the examination of your organization and its vision holistically. The approach that we take pulls in detailed research from internal and external constituents to define the mission and vision for the organization, as well as planning, steps, and resources needed to reach goals. This process exceeds the typical strategic planning process that is oftentimes a budget-driven process or, as with many nonprofits that we have worked with, listening sessions with no clear directive. This style of strategic planning lacks value because it lacks true understanding, direction, and a comprehensive strategic approach. Vision-based strategic planning utilizes thorough listening sessions to drive the vision and actions of the organization forward, and we feel this is critical to offer a plan that truly benefits an organization. A holistic plan accounts for and examines metrics of success, competition, consumers, staff, and societal shifts (economic/political/social/legal), industry changes, and every facet of your internal organization. With your direction set, decision-making and in-the-moment planning become easier because leadership and employees alike can draw on the guidance set forth in the strategic planning framework.


Your organization may have the right resources. It may have the right people who are working very hard. Nevertheless, something can be lacking. That missing piece is often alignment. All too often, organizations have the right parts, but they aren’t working toward the right priorities. In order to move your organization in the right direction, it is imperative that your team is putting their efforts and resources into priority areas that affect strategic success. 

Get everyone on the same page

While many of us may plan as individuals in our daily lives, we most often see plans devised within groups. Think about any sport that is played as a team. A team that works cohesively as a unit and follows the game plan is more likely to find success. Organizations with multiple team members or several departments must function in the same way. Oftentimes, you leaders may have the strategic goals and the plan to get there in their head, but that doesn’t help everyone else. Strategic planning is a great tool for teasing out these goals and plans from leaders, managers, and community stakeholders in order to put them down on paper so everyone from entry-level employees to mid-level managers to the CEO is on the same page. When more members of your team know the plan and can follow it, your organization will move forward more efficiently. 

Interested in aligning your future? We want to help prepare your organization to meet its strategic goals. Download our free strategic plan prep kit here and click the button below to connect with us for a free strategic plan consultation.